Interview with Congressman Ritchie Torres
“Look, my priority is my career. It's my public service, but I want to try to live as balanced a life as I can. I think it's better to start now than to start 10 years from now.”
Interview with Ambassador Tom Nides
“I'm a liberal, reform Jew from Duluth, Minnesota. Okay? I'm a cultural Jew. I'm not a religious Jew.”
Interview with Lis Smith
“A hundred duck-sized Chris Christies, because I think vanquishing each of them would be so satisfying.”
Interview with Nick Gillespie
“If I got to get stuck with somebody from Long Island, it's going to be Lou Reed. It's not going to be Billy Joel.”
Interview with Rabbi Shmuel Lynn
“You're just dreaming some LSD-infused thing from the back of your subconscious that paints and splatters things Jackson Pollock-esque on the wall of your brain during dreams – taken from all different places.“
Interview with Ruth Wisse
“What I tend to do is I sit and I write depending on how agitated I get.”
Interview with Floyd Abrams
“I just did a one-hour interview about Twitter, and I'm not even on Twitter.”
Interview with Luana Lopes Lara
“We were really captured by the idea that casual forecasters are often more correct than subject matter experts.”
Interview with Judge Guido Calabresi
“It isn't so much that I organize a day, but it is that when I'm doing something, I do that.”
Interview with David Lat
“It would be very interesting to clerk for Justice Kagan. I don't necessarily share her interpretive leanings – I tend to be more textualist and originalist.”
Interview with Tom Kavaler
“You should always fly first class unless you can fly private. The reason is because you can actually get work done.“
Interview with Congressman Ron Paul
“A lot of young people come up after I give talks, they'll say they want to run for Congress. Don’t do it!”
Interview with Daniel Kahneman
“I must have believed because I remember very precisely the moment at which I stopped believing in God.”
Interview with Evan Hafer
“I always felt that I would probably be killed in Iraq. I didn't think about my life past Iraq.“
Interview with Adam Krikorian
“Your head is in the water, you got your goggles on, just pounding out yardage. And when that's happening, you're alone with your thoughts.“
Interview with General Jim Mattis
“I'm from the West – I don’t trifle with people, and I won't be trifled with. I don't care if you're a president, general, prime minster, et cetera.”
Interview with Noam Chomsky
“We're all of value. If a 15-year-old kid writes with a question or comment, you should take it seriously and respond.”
Interview with Josh Griffiths
“It's not about learning jiujitsu, it’s about learning how to learn jiujitsu. The real lesson is if you can put in enough time to be very competent at this very hard thing that you could put in time at just about anything and be good at it.”