Op-Eds, Essays, and Reporting
“Revisiting Trump’s Case for a Crypto Reserve,” Wall Street Journal, March 16, 2025.
“How New York Can Get Out of Its Rent Control Mess,” City Journal, March 11, 2025 (with Alexander Haberman)
“Is $TRUMP A Scam?” The Free Press, January 22, 2025 (debate with Joe Nocera).
“Place Your Bets,” City Journal, September 17, 2024.
“Kamala Misses Out on the Golden Age of the Interview,” Wall Street Journal, September 13, 2024.
“Let Jews Carry Guns,” City Journal, Spring 2024.
“Senator Lieberman Showed How Tradition Brings Meaning to Modern Life,” Newsweek, April 2, 2024.
“New York Jews Embrace Gun Rights,” Wall Street Journal, November 14, 2023.
“AI Won’t Stop People From Playing Games,” Wall Street Journal, November 2, 2023.
“Javier Milei, Argentina and the Dollar,” Wall Street Journal, August 24, 2023.
“CBDCs Wrongfully Break Down the Separation Between Money and State,”Coindesk, July 27, 2023 (with Richard Epstein).
“Cryptocurrency Has Its Uses—Just Not Where You Think,” Newsweek, July 24, 2023 (with Richard Epstein).
“Opponents of Netanyahu's judicial reforms want government by tantrum,” National Post, July 21, 2023 (with Richard Epstein).
“Simple case for digital euro masks its danger,” Financial Times, July 3, 2023."
“Moody’s Takes Sides in Israeli Politics,” Wall Street Journal, March 12, 2023.
“Israel’s Proposed Judicial Reforms Aren’t ‘Extreme’,” Wall Street Journal, January 29, 2023 (with Richard Epstein).
“The SEC Should Leave Kim Kardashian Alone,” Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2022 (with M. Todd Henderson).
“The Justices Give Education a Prayer,” Wall Street Journal, June 27, 2022.
“Don’t Believe the Obits for Bitcoin,” Wall Street Journal, June 22, 2022.
“Green Bay Packers Stockholders Have Only a Rooting Stake,” Wall Street Journal, November 18, 2021 (with Jonathan Hartley and M. Todd Henderson).
“Can We Finally Solve the Robocall Problem?" Newsweek, October 13, 2021.
“Supreme Court Brings NCAA Athletes Closer to Fair Pay,” Newsweek, June 29, 2021.
“A Global First: Bitcoin as National Currency,” Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2021.
“Don’t Dismiss Digital Art,” Newsweek, June 9, 2021.
“You Can Bet on the Vaccine, Literally,” Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2021.
“Can You Get Rich With Bitcoin? Sure, But Slowly,” Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2021.
“Bitcoin: An Overnight Success a Decade in the Making,” Newsweek, December 2, 2020.
“The Supreme Court Was Right to Block Cuomo’s Religious Restrictions,” New York Times, December 1, 2020 (with Michael McConnell).
“As Iconic NYC Small Businesses Die Off, the Politicians Just Shrug,” New York Post, November 14, 2020.
“Will Millennials Step Up to Save Gotham?” Newsweek, August 14, 2020.
“From Hamilton to Trump: The Dueling Nature of Pandemic Politics,” Newsweek, May 24, 2020 (with Michael McConnell).
“Digital Dollars Give the State Too Much Control Over Money,” Coindesk, May 2, 2020.
“If Liquor Stores Are Essential, Why Isn’t Church?” New York Times, April 21, 2020 (with Michael McConnell).
“Why Won’t the CFTC Let You Take a Position on the Election?” Wall Street Journal, February 28, 2020.
“Roger Stone and the Case for Notaries,” Wall Street Journal, February 13, 2020.
“Early Impeachments in 2020 Hindsight,” Wall Street Journal, January 11, 2020.
“I’ll Choose My Own Emojis, Thank You Very Much,” Bloomberg Opinion, May 7, 2019.
“A Regulatory Classification of Digital Assets,” Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, January 9, 2019.
“What the Fed Could Learn From Bitcoin,” Wall Street Journal, March 30, 2018.
“Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss on Bitcoin and Their Public Persona,” Businessweek, August 8, 2013.
“Preparing for a World Without Cash,” Wall Street Journal, August 4, 2016.
“Meet the Bitcoin Millionaires,” Businessweek, April 12, 2013.
“Bitcoin’s Future,” Bloomberg Television, April 11, 2013.
“Drone Makers Get Help From the Open-Source, DIY Crowd,” Businessweek, March 28, 2013.
“Crowdfunding for Real Estate: Buy a Slice of a Skyscraper,” Businessweek, January 24, 2013.
“Dollar-Less Iranians Discover Virtual Currency,” Bloomberg News, November 29, 2012.
“Greece Selling Diaspora Bonds Mimics Israel Overseas,” Bloomberg News, December 9, 2010.
“Startup Fever: College Students Have It Bad,” Businessweek, October 18, 2010.
Academic Writing
How Do Private Digital Currencies Affect Government Policy?, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 73 (2024).
An Introduction to Personal Growth Bets: Using Contract Law to Lose Weight and Quit Smoking, Notre Dame Journal on Emerging Technologies, Vol. 4, Issue 2 (2023)
A Wall of Separation Between Money and State: Policy and Philosophy for the Era of Cryptocurrency, The Brown Journal of World Affairs 29, no. 2: 1–16. (2023) (with Richard Epstein)
A Regulatory Classification of Digital Assets: Towards an Operational Howey Test for Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and Other Digital Assets, 2019 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 444 (2019) (with M. Todd Henderson).
Designer Babies, Robot Malpractice, and the Cures for Cancer: A Legal Survey of Some Medical Innovations, 11 NYU J.L. & Liberty 915 (2018).
“Digital Currencies, Decentralized Ledgers, and the Future of Central Banking,” in Peter Conti-Brown & Rosa Lastra (eds.), Research Handbook on Central Banking, Edward Elgar Publishing (2018) (with David Yermack).
“On Donkeys and Owls,” Liber Amicorum for Richard A. Epstein (2018).
The Law and Legality of Smart Contracts, 1 Geo. L. Tech. Rev. 304 (2017).
The Raisins of Wrath: The Constitutionality of Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts Following Horne v. USDA, 10 NYU J.L. & Liberty 857 (2016).
Realm of the Coin: Bitcoin and Civil Procedure, 20 Ford. J. Corp. & Fin. L. 969 (2015).
Shop ‘Til You Drop: Forums and Federalism in New York’s Class Action Procedure, 2014 N.Y.U. J. Legis. Pub. Pol'y Quorum 121 (2014).