Interview with Jonathan Haidt
“Once I began criticizing the ideas on the Left and the Democratic Party — for many years I was doing it to try to help them win — but once I started criticizing them around 2008, I was now doing my work in a minefield, and I have to be very careful what I say.”
Interview with Olga Namer
“Then when I did my first show, everyone was interested in my being raised Orthodox and my marriage and what happened. I didn't know it was a crazy story until I went on stage. It was the thing that made me unique from other standups, I guess.”
Interview with Jonathan Rosen
“It didn't do Michael a favor that I thought of him as being brilliant, and it didn't do a lot of people a favor that I thought in those terms, least of all myself. And at this point in my life, what's so moving is to reconnect with people who are just wonderful, who I didn't really know or notice enough to even share myself with when I was young. I had wonderful parents, but the unit of measurement was intelligence and originality and an ability to articulate the world as if that made you the master of it…but that, in fact, is not true.”
Interview with Yitz Applbaum
“But my wine and my whiskey and my cigars, which are the three things I like— I share, I drink, I trade. It’s around friendship, it's around community, it's around enjoyment.”
Interview with Mats Lederhausen
“I think the hardiness about Swedes compared to Americans is noticeable. Today, I went to do a doctor's visit and it was pouring raining outside. I didn't blink for a minute to walk there.”
Interview with Josh Szeps
“Dave Letterman was the person who inspired in me the love of the art of the jousting match, the wrestling ring, the parry and the dance of an adversarial but lighthearted comedic interview.”
Interview with Daniel Lurie
“San Francisco is not like any other city. We're coming all the way back, full stop. We are coming back and we're coming all the way back.”
Interview with Christopher Caldwell
“No, I definitely am not writing to make any political point. I'm writing to clarify a situation that may well have a political consequence. But I'm not writing for the Revolution.”
Interview with Ashlee Vance
“It's this very strange experience where when you're on the road you want to be home and then when you get home, you immediately want to be on the road again.“
Interview with Sarah Haider
“When you first leave religion, a lot of atheists go through a phase of being very upset and angry…”
Interview with Josh Hammer
“I think a lot of people come to their politics through their religion. I did the reverse. I got more into my religion through my political conservatism…”
Interview with Nathan Lewin
“I don't know whether I'm older than the wall of separation between church and state.”
Interview with Chris Ullman
“I whistle happy birthday 650 times a year, and I do it because I want to honor their lives.”
Interview with Rabbi Aaron Kotler
“The soul might not take tranq on the street in Philadelphia or in Portland as it can’t rebel like that, but the soul’s just going to rebel if it is denied its fulfillment. That leads to much misery.”
Interview with Caitlin Long
“Now during the 2008 financial crisis, I was at Morgan Stanley and I gave away most of my bonus that year because I didn't think it was ethical for me to receive it. And in fact, I gave away a big chunk of it to the Mises Institute that year because they had opened my eyes to the alternative explanation for what really caused the 2008 financial crisis.”
Interview with Curtis Yarvin
“Once you find yourself saying, “But Salvador Dali had an ocelot,” — just really check yourself right there.”
Interview with Coleman Hughes
“What is right? What is the principle I believe here, and how do I apply it evenhandedly?“
Interview with Sofie Berzon MacKie
“At one point, when I understood that I am going to die, I couldn't stand the fear that took hold of me. It was beyond anything I ever felt in my whole life, the most extreme feeling of panic, and terror, utter terror. So, I kind of took a look at my life, and I became very grateful for what I have, what I had — for my life's trajectory and the people I met and the people I loved and who loved me back. And that was a really deep moment for me.”
Interview with Judge Alex Kozinski
“Probably living under communism and having grown up with Holocaust stories has made me more suspicious than other people about what the government tells you is true or good for you.“